Build a React App that Suggests Novel Novels with a Python Graph

02 Nov 2019

Project Summary:

There are a lot of great resources for learning Data Science techniques out there: MOOCS, blogs, tutorials, and bootcamps are all great avenues for learning. Personally, I learn best by working on projects that I find interesting and engaging. Nothing motivates me more to push my level of understanding to new heights than by working on an intriguing problem. How do I identify new avenues that I can explore? Generally by reading other people’s work!

This idea was first realized by reading Vicki Boykis’ great blog post about the changing nature of Netflix’s recommendation engine. In short (sorry for the hack job, Vicki), gone are the days of minimizing the RMSE of a user’s rating preferences with Matrix Factorization and Deep Learning. Recommendations are still partly an art form, with context, nuance, and design all playing a large part in providing a great experience to the user. In addition, the business value of a recommendation is not simply to provide the best content to the user. In the case of Netflix, it may be to provide the best Netflix content to the user.

I had the great pleasure of attending RecSys 2019 in Copenhagen this year. The winner for Best Paper was one that was not a State of the Art Neural Network approach. Instead, it was a careful examination of previous, open source recommendation systems, public datasets, and their actual performance in a head-to-head matchup. The results, you may ask? Simple models (Graph based, User/Item Nearest Neighbors, Top Popular items) nearly always outperform the best deep neural networks.

It is safe to say I have been rethinking Recommender Systems in light of these revelations. What do I, as a user, want from YouTube’s recommendation engine? What about a Search Engine like Ecosia/DuckDuckGo? In the former example, I might want to see videos that entertain/inform me in that moment. In the latter example, I want to find the most relevant information, quickly, without worrying about conflicts of interest. In either case, the returned items may not be the most popular, highly rated, or controversial. Advertisers may find virality to be profitable, but I may not be a fan.

So what do I truly want? How can I build a system that optimizes for this elusive goal? There was a landmark moment of clarity in my mind as I was walking to the library the other day: I absolutely love when I find a new author or book that I had not considered or heard of. The sheer discovery, novelty of that moment can inspire weeks of happiness as I flip through the pages.

Time spent reading a book is an investment, and so it can be a difficult proposition to try out anything new (explore vs. exploit). A system that just recommends random items may provide unexpected results, but they may not be good ones. I want to have my cake and eat it, too. I want to find great books that I would never have considered before.

My idea is simple:

None of the above statements should be that surprising to you, particularly the first two points. The last point, of course, is the most fundamental to this work. What if I built a Graph database of books, authors, and readers, and then walked along the nodes of the graph to find these hidden gems of books?

The site GoodReads has published a dataset of 10,000 books, 50,000+ users, and nearly 6 million ratings (1-5 Stars) of books. Surely I could find something interesting in this treasure trove! I have never built a real graph before in my life, so I thought this would be a great trial by fire for myself. Nodes and Edges, how hard could it be? The Nodes of this Graph are the Users, Books, and Authors of those books.

class User(object):
    def __init__(self,user_id):
        self.user_id = user_id
        self.shelf = [] # Books read
        self.author_list = [] # Authors read

class Book(object):
    def __init__(self, book_id, Author, ratings_5, popularity, image_url):
        self.book_id = book_id = Author
        self.author_id = Author.author_id
        self.ratings_5 = ratings_5 # Number of people that rated the book a 5
        self.popularity = popularity # What fraction of ratings does this book have?+
        self.image_url = image_url
        self.reader_list = [] #Users that read the book

    def add_reader(self,User):
        if User not in self.reader_list:
            self.reader_list.append(User) # User read this book

class Author(object):
    def __init__(self, author_id):
            self.author_id = author_id
            self.reader_list = [] #People who read the book

    def add_reader(self,User):
        if User not in self.reader_list:
            self.reader_list.append(User) # User read this book

The Edges are the ratings associated with each (User, Book, Author) tuple:

class Read(object):
    def __init__(self, User, Book, Author, rating=None):
        The edge connecting User, Book, and Author nodes
        if Book not in User.shelf:
            User.shelf.append((Book, rating)) # User read this book and rated it.
        if Author not in User.author_list:

        self.user = User = Book = Author
        self.rating = rating # Optional


I first created 4 Classes to account for my Graph components. Each Node will also have a List associated with it: Users will have a shelf of Books, Authors will have their bibliography, and Books will have their audience. The Graph will connect all of these objects together into a cohesive unit that can be traversed.

class Graph(object):
    def __init__(self, reads):

        # Edges in our graph
        self.reads = reads

    def _find_a_user(self, input_User, debug=False):
        Find a user in the graph N hops from an author in the
        user's list of read authors:
        _author_list = input_User.author_list
        if debug:
            print ("Method: _find_N_user : `_author_list`: ", _author_list)
        # Do we have any authors in the list?
        _n_authors = len(_author_list)
        if _n_authors > 0:
            # Pick an Author. Any Author.
            _reader_list = None
            while _reader_list == None:
                _next_author = _author_list[np.random.randint(_n_authors)] #Inclusive, random integer
                if debug:
                    print ("Method: _find_N_user : `_next_author` : ", _next_author)
                if len(_next_author.reader_list) > 1: # Is there anyone in this bucket?
                    _reader_list = _next_author.reader_list # Who reads this Author?

            _next_User = None
            while _next_User == None:
                _choice = _reader_list[np.random.randint(len(_reader_list))]
                if _choice != input_User:
                    _next_User = _choice # Make sure we do not pick ourselves
            if debug:
                print ("Method: _find_N_user : `_next_User`: ", _next_User)
            return _next_User # We finally made a choice!
            return None

    def _book2book(self, input_Book, N=3 , debug=False):
        """ Sanity Checker:
        Developer Function to quickly get similar, unpopular books
        recommended that is not based on a User. Simply input a book,
        go up the Author tree, and then find a random user, and their
        unpopular book.

        This is quicker, in theory, for testing out the predictions, as you
        don't have to build a User + Read objects for the Graph.
        def _sort_tuple(tuple_val):
            """ For sorting our unread list based on popularity
            return tuple_val[1]

        out_recs = []
        for i in range(N):
            _reader_list = input_Book.reader_list
            _len_rl = len(_reader_list)
            _rand_User = _reader_list[np.random.randint(_len_rl)]
            _list = [(book, book.popularity, rating) for book, rating in _rand_User.shelf
                    if rating > 4] #NB; No filtering on read books, as no input user.
            _list = sorted(_list, key=_sort_tuple, reverse=False)
            unpopular_book, popularity, rating = _list[0]

        return out_recs

    def _find_a_book(self, input_User, two_hop=False, debug=False):
        Given a user, recommend an unpopular book:
        1) Take an input_user, go to an Author node, grab another user that has
            read that author.
        2) Grab that User's book list and compare it to the input user.
        def _sort_tuple(tuple_val):
            """ For sorting our unread list based on popularity
            return tuple_val[1]

        if debug:
            print ("Method: _find_a_book : `input_User`: ", input_User)

        _next_User = self._find_a_user(input_User, debug=debug)

        if two_hop:
                _two_hop = self._find_a_user(_next_User, debug)
                _next_User = _two_hop if _two_hop != input_User else _next_User
            except Exception as e:
                if debug:
                    print ("Method: _find_a_book : Exception at `two_hop`: ", input_User, e)

        if debug:
            print ("Method: _find_a_book : `_next_User`: ", _next_User)

        counter= 0
        while counter < 100:

            First, let's see how many books this user has read that
            the input_User has not AND is rated above 4 stars.
            NB: We could also add a maximum popularity here, just in case!
            This will form our set from which we can find unpopular books:
                _unread_list = [(book, book.popularity, rating) for book, rating in _next_User.shelf
                                if book not in [_books for _books, _rating in input_User.shelf] and rating > 4]
                _n_unread = len(_unread_list)
                if debug:
                    print ("Method: _find_a_book : Length of the unread shelf: ", _n_unread)
            except Exception as e:
                print ("Method: _find_a_book : `_unread_list` threw an exception: ", _next_User, e)

            Now, we take our unsorted, unread list of books, and sort them
            in ascending order. The first entry should be our best bet!
                _unread_list = sorted(_unread_list, key=_sort_tuple, reverse=False)

                if debug:
                    if _n_unread > 1:
                        print ("Method: _find_a_book : Most unpopular book title, popularity, and rating ",
                               _unread_list[0][0].book_id, _unread_list[0][1])
                        print ("Method: _find_a_book : Most popular book title and popularity ",
                               _unread_list[_n_unread-1][0].book_id, _unread_list[_n_unread-1][1])
                        print ("Method: _find_a_book : Most unpopular book title and popularity ",
                               _unread_list[0][0].book_id, _unread_list[0][1])
            except Exception as e:
                if debug:
                    print ("Method: _find_a_book : `_unread_list` sorting threw an exception: ", e)

            # So we may have found a good, rare book. Return it!
            unpopular_book, popularity, rating = _unread_list[0]
            if unpopular_book != None:
                return unpopular_book
        # Base case: We did not find any good books.
        return None

    def GrabNBooks(self, input_User, N=3, debug=False):
        Our main class to find three unpopular books. Relies on two helper classes:
            _find_a_book: Grabs a rare books from a neighbor that reads similar books to you
            _find_a_user: Finds the neighbor to a book from your collection!

        If you enable two_hop = True in your calls, it can help preserve the privacy of your users,
            as you really start to jump around the graph. Want more privacy? Enable more random jumps.
        if debug:
            print ("Method: GrabThreeBooks : Beginning :", input_User.user_id)

        RareBooks = []
        counter = 0
        while counter < 100:
                _book = self._find_a_book(input_User, debug)

                if _book != None:
            except Exception as e:
                if debug:
                    print ("Method: GrabThreeBooks : Exception = ", e)
            _book = self._find_a_book(input_User, debug=debug)
            if len(RareBooks) == N:
                return RareBooks
            # Increase the counter so that we don't get stuck in a loop
        #Base case in case something goes wrong...
        return None

The above block of code is pretty chunky, and there are a number of methods inside that are not useful here. We will focus on one that can be directly used with an easy, consumer facing React App: _book2book. So let’s say that we can now walk around our Graph, and everything compiles fine. How might we find meaningful Books to present to a User? In our mind, let us take a hypothetical walk:

  1. You, as a User, loves a Book by Author (e.g., a Five star rating)
  2. This Author has many fans, and she has written similar Books you may also love
    1. However, you probably are already aware of her other Books, so these are not Novel Novels
    2. Her fans may have read Books you have not, however
  3. So we find a new User that also likes this particular Author
  4. From that new User, we look at their Book shelf and grab only the most highly rated ones
  5. This set of Books has a pretty good chance of being interesting to the initial user. We can:
    1. Recursively GO TO Step 2) and find another set of good Books from another User, N times
    2. Or, just return the least popular (but still great) Book as our recommendation

Now we just have to return this Book to our User as a possible great discovery! We are missing the key ingredient to this project, though. We need the App to deliver these interesting Books. Let’s start with the part that is still Python based, for familiarity: we need to build the back end of our App that handles API requests, and so of course we are going to use Flask. Flask allows us to make a small web server in Python, and is pretty easy to use. I found two tutorials to be extremely useful, and they were nicely linked to one another: a Flask tutorial, and a React App that calls the aforementioned Flask app.

So we first make a new directory that we will call api/. Inside this folder, we will have two python files. will build up the basics of our Flask app, import the necessary variables, etc.:

import logging as logger
from flask import Flask

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)

    from .app import main
    logger.debug("App registered")
    return app

and then an (or whatever you want to call it):

import logging as logger
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request
from .GoodReadsGraph import BuildGraph

main = Blueprint('main', __name__)
logger.debug("App starting")

# Build our Graph
BigGraph, titles_dict = BuildGraph()
logger.debug("Graph is built service")

output_URL = ""

@main.route('/input_book', methods=['POST'])
def input_book():
    # We get a request from our React App
    logger.debug("Starting service")
    _book = request.get_json()
    # We extract the title from our JSON
    _book_title = str(_book["title"])
    logger.debug("book: ", _book_title)
    # We use our dictionary to pull out a book Object
        _book_object = titles_dict[_book_title.lower()]["Book"]
        # Grab the first entry, return it
        book_list = BigGraph._book2book(_book_object, N=1)
        book = book_list[0]
        global ouput_URL
        ouput_URL = str(book.image_url)
        # Return the image URL to be displayed on our app
        #    NB: POST does not support anything else.
        return "Done", 201
    except Exception as e:
        logger.warning("Encountered exception: ", e)
        return "Error", 400

@main.route('/novel_novel', methods=['GET'])
def novel_novel():
    logger.debug("GET method returning output_url")
    return jsonify({"image_url": ouput_URL}), 200

Inside the, we are doing a number of important things. First, we call our python code that builds us our graph database for finding new books. It also sets up the Blueprint of our backend, so when we make API calls to this service, we are pointing in the correct direction. Let’s unpack these things at a very basic level:

For the /input_book call, what we are doing is receiving a raw text input from the User on the webpage, packaging it as a JSON that looks like {"book": "book_title"}, and then updating the back end server. In this case, we are using this initial book to find a similar, rare book the User may enjoy. We call out Graph with this input, and set a global python variable to the image URL of the output book.

Now you can imagine that the WebApp would make a 2nd API call to the Flask App, saying “What is the output of that input?”. This is our GET call in /novel_novel, which returns a JSON as well. This probably sounds pretty reasonable to most of you right now, and it did to me as well. You may have even used Flask before. But have you ever built a React App before?

React is a Facebook open source JavaScript library for making UIs easier to code up. It still took me a bit of time to learn some JavaScript basics, understand the syntax for React, and try to get everything to look decent. The two important resources that I used are this previously mentioned YouTube and this TowardsDataScience article. The video guide utilizes a second React library, semantic-ui-react, that makes App building even easier, and so I mostly followed their advice. And honestly, you should too. The basics of installing the necessary tools, building the boilerplate App.js files, and explanation of writing functions are better left to the JavaScript professionals.

I will go into a little detail about the actual React components I hacked together to integrate with our Graph, though. The main function here is the App.js file, so we will unpack that first. We import our necessary libraries, initiate App(), and then return some HTML/JavaScript like entities (Divisions, Containers, Images, etc.):

import React, {Component} from "react";
import './App.css';
import { Container } from "semantic-ui-react";
import { BookEntry } from "./components/BookEntry";
import { GrabBook } from "./components/GrabBook";

// Want to build this App?
//    $ npm start
// Inside the directory with the src/ directory
function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Container style=>
export default App;

You will notice inside the Container we have two components: <BookEntry/> and <GrabBook/>. These correspond to our two API calls in our Flask app which POST a title that our Graph understands, and then does a GET call to grab our interesting new novel for the user. Let us look at the more complicated component first, the BookEntry:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Form, Input, Button } from 'semantic-ui-react';

export const BookEntry = ()  => {
  const [title, setTitle] = useState(''); //  Empty String
  return (
        placeholder="Enter one of your favorite book titles "
        onChange={event => setTitle(}

        <Button onClick= {async () => {
          const book = {title};
          const response = await fetch("/input_book", {
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
              "Content_Type": "application/json"

          if (response.ok) {
            console.log("Response Worked! ");
            setTitle("We found your favorite book!")
          else {
            console.log("Title not found")
            setTitle("We did not find this title. Please try again!")



We import a few extra packages from semantic-ui-react in this component: { Form, Input, Button }. We want the user to type text input into a Form corresponding to the title of the book they love, and then hit a submit Button. First we initialize a few variables (const [title, setTitle]) and set the default value = useState(''); to an empty string.

Next, we build the <Form.Field>, and we add in a placeholder value that provides instructions to the user on what to do. Once the user has entered some text, we set the useState of title to that of the entered text. Easy!

Next, we add a new <Form.Field> in the shape of a Button that the user can click on right underneath the text input. On the click of the button (<Button onClick= ...), we make our first call to our API via the await fetch("/input_book" call. Recall that in our Flask app, our Blueprint has @main.route('/input_book', so this call hits our backend at this contact point. The returned value of this POST call is just a response that says everything went OK if and only if we find the title in our Graph. Otherwise we return a 400 and ask the user to submit a new title. It is possible that our database does not have the title, or maybe it is spelled differently, etc., so we do not want our App to break in these cases.

Prior to moving on to the next component, I would encourage anyone trying to build one of these web apps to use console.log() calls all over the place in your code. Not only do the serve a double purpose as a comment, they can be so helpful in debugging your code. Recall that you just right click on any webpage in Chrome, Inspect, and then open up the console tab and you can see everything that is going on.

So, let’s assume that everything went perfectly and we have found the relevant title. Now we actually have to return a new book for the user in our GrabBook component:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Image } from "semantic-ui-react";

export const GrabBook = ()=> {
  const [outputURL, setOutputURL] = useState("");

  useEffect(() => {
   fetch("/novel_novel").then(response =>
    response.json().then(data => {
  }, []);
  const BookImage = () => (<Image src={outputURL} size='small' />)



Here we make another API call to the POST endpoint via a fetch("/novel_novel") call. Remember that we are returning a JSON object that looks like {"image_url": "http://image_of_book.png"}. We then pass this into an <Image> block that renders the image and returns it to our App. Cool!

To be fair, the page does not look great. If you are a React expert, please let me know how I can make the layout look better:

This work is not intended to be a commercializable, production ready system. It is meant to be a learning adventure that is fun to use and thought provoking in its scope. Here is a link to the repo if you are interested in checking it out. Thank you for stopping by!